Thursday, March 5, 2020

How online tutoring is cost effective way of taking education

How online tutoring is cost effective way of taking education The internet has brought revolution in the education industry all across the world. Online education and distance learning have gained immense popularity in last few decades. These days, students, parents and tutors prefer home based education instead of traditional learning methods with the reason that it offers affordable, real-time one-to-one tutoring right at home. Online tutoring   is available right at home; eliminates the need to travel for students and their parents chauffeuring their kids. It saves both time and money making live coaching far more cost efficient. Live tutoring provide flexibility of timing, content of subjects, quality of the tutoring as distance is never an issue to find tutors anytime, anywhere to take tutoring in any subject. It offers world class education at lower cost without compromising the quality of education. Students with tight financial conditions can register tutoring services that offer discounts for low income students or one who offers shorter one-to-one tutoring sessions. Students who are academically good but seek help and assistance for homework and assignment will reduce the overall cost of personal tutoring. Distance learning and tutoring websites help students whose parents are moving from one country to another to fulfill professional commitments. Such students can continue taking education with the same curriculum and same textbooks residing outside their native country. It reduces the cost of traveling to and fro to native country continuing taking education. Online learning is cost effective solution for adults especially for working professionals. A lot of adults continue to work at their jobs during day time and take classes at night using computers. A large number of students across the world cannot afford the cost of a college education, which is a substantial barrier holding them back from obtaining a college degree. Tutoring online gives only 40% of overall costs in comparison to the traditional college education. Traditional education is critical for rural students as they tend to be economically depressed. The financial difficulties of these students force them to choose between work and school. Lower cost is also one of the factors that naturally fit for students studying in rural areas. Online learning gives better opportunities once they past our school and enter into the working world. Web-based online tutoring platform does not have the huge expense overhead that physical tutoring centers have. For the same reason, it allows tutoring websites to offer lower prices and save your pockets too. Thanks to the online tutoring websites!

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